How's this for randomYou know, there are just some things that happen at my house that make me think..."what the heck?" This is one example. Sophie is my dog I have had for about 8 years. I love this little brat and she loves me back. She loves me to the point of freaking out when I am not around. When she freaks out,she does it right. I truly believe she has separation anxiety.
I keep my trash in a cabinet, but I do take it out if I am cooking or cleaning the kitchen or something like that. And when I forget to put it up I pay. This is what I think happens. Sophie sits and watches us leave with her little nose pressed to the window ( I know that happens I watch her do it every day), Then when she can't see us anymore she goes straight to the kitchen knocks over my trashcan and spreads trash out all over my kitchen the best she can. When I walk back in the door she knows her butt is in trouble and she goes and hides. Or she will sometimes make a dash out the door as soon as I open it and won't come back for a long time.
So the other day I came home and opened the door and this is what I see. My Stinkin dog wearing a Wal-Mart sack around her neck. Of course the trash was dumped over and somehow she had got a plastic bag on to look just like a superhero cape. I laughed to the point of tears, took her picture, and told her if she was gonna use super powers she better use them for good not evil

One other thing that happened last week that had me scratching my head was the death of Kolbys BB Gun. In my house there are few things that are important enough to mourn. Things come and go outta that place every day. My kids are good, but they are not the best about taking care of their things.
They hunt every morning before school. They get dressed and eat and if there is enough time they always go bird hunting. So I drop them off at school on Thursday morning and ran right back home to get something I had forgot.When I got close to our driveway I could see something laying in the road. As I got closer I could tell it was a BB gun. Kolbys BB gun. My first thought..."GREAT!" I knew right then and there he was gonna flip out. So I pulled off the road , walked out onto the highway and picked it up, and brought it back to the house. It was smashed .(ps if you are the one who didn't dodge a BB gun laying in the middle of the road on 412 Thursday morning I really hope you had a good excuse. Like a semi in the other lane.) Anyway when he got home he saw it on the porch all bent up into a half circle and the barrel smashed flat, and he lost it. It was a sad day at the Davis house. Of course he denied it was he who left it on the bumper of my car. Tried to blame it on Jarron to make himself feel better. Then went in the house ,got a nerf gun, and went outside to shoot birds. At least he has a good imagination.
I thought the gun laying in the middle of the road looked funny, but I bet it would have looked a whole lot funnier for me to have been driving around town with a BB gun on my bumper. You might be a redneck if...